The assignment that i'm curious about is here at last.. hahahax..
We are required to do 2 masks of our own face. 1 wif our same skin colour and another one with emotion but black and white:

In this assignment,
Intention: To design 2 mask. 1 of our skin colour and another with emotion.
Act: Buying materials e.g: PVA glue, morning wrap, tapioca flour, etc. Tracing the mask on the face with tissue and then drying it. Painting and designing it.
Product: The masks
Place: E48B, HBP.
Rule: To paint the 1st one with our skin colour and the other one black and white with emotion.
Actor: Me, my group members, and 1b.
right after class, we went and buy some materials for the mask... had my papier machie idea already... but we're still trying some errors.. =p

we have our tapioca floor, pva flue and morning wrap. and also a brush and other things.
this is our PVA glue mix wif water.

who's ready to rock and roll????? xD
so the first guinea pig was yim quan. hahahax.. kesian her.. @@
i'm trying with plastic wrapped on her face and the tissue damped on her face wif glue..

nex is gan.. we're trying on him the clay method.. tat clay costs us rm6 !!!! =.=!!!!!!

after i did mine, i was so hungry... it took 2 hours and so for us to settle down.. even 1b came and 'visited' us.. hahax.took a few pictures and left.. haha hopefully it's not gonna be on the net.. @@

and i did for my friends too.,. we seriously needed some teamwork here... hahax

and dis is mine.,,,

and these are every1s...

now wad's left is the colouring.. will update bout that soon.. ^^ oh yeah and some videos are to come too.. =)
voila~ completion.. =)
Additional Info:
For my future juniors, i've tried clay, it didn't work for me. but yet some ppl still can manage clay. so if u guys think that u wanna try it out, check out some of my friend's blog. =)
i've tried using plastic wrap but 1b said it'll distort the face. so i tried baby oil on the face, and then slowly trace the face shape using wet tissue for the first layer and den continuously using pva glue and tissue.
if u don't trust the chemicals in PVA glue, u can always use starch. =)
don't forget the hairdryer. if not u'll not be on time handing up the assignment. =p
cover it for at least 4 layers of tissue. but the more u layer it, the more difficult it is to see the shape of your face.
so have fun trying. mine went perfectly well. =)
Great talkers are little doers..