Own Personal Development in the Studio.
MONDAY (12th July)
APEX intro identity reading.
Well of course, the first day of school is the expectation for the lecturer to introduce us to the university.
This is a flashback that i'm going to reflect for every lesson that i've learnt since the day i step into USM.
First lesson and forever must remember~!!
The talk has made me learnt about the steps USM has taken and is going to take in order to develop this university for the best of it's students and achieving the APEX badge and also maintaining it.
I understand that the university is making it's way or should i say putting loads of effort on its way to sustainability.
Therefore our first assignment assign to us on that day was to create a virtual home which is this blog. This blog will enable us to reflect on ourselves and at the mean time put into our imaginary or emotional thoughts into it.
It enables us to excel as when we update it everyday, we actually see our improvement everytime when we look back.
We were ordered to update our blog everytime we have our lessons.
FRIDAY (16th July)
Knowing the Self
In this talk, we are introduced to stories.
Not just any stories, but stories that tells every one of our lives.
Lessons for us to learn as students that has been accepted by the school honourably.
How lucky we are to be living in a life so fully furnished like this, and yet do we know ourselves?
Do we know what are we doing here? Do we know our life's mission? What exactly are we doing here? Knowing the Self is an important motivation for us to dig up all our inner thoughts and let them out. We have to realize that we are the future of the world. What about our small thoughts? What happened to our big thoughts that are still lingering in us? How are we to bring them out? Not until we realize who we really are...
Therefore, our assignment assigned for us was My Thoughts.
MONDAY (19th July)
Dot Line and Shape
When we were given this lecture, we were taught about the dots, lines, and shapes all around us.
packaged together with this talk was our assignment:

and another assignment was our natural structure where we were to visit the rumpun buluh outside the school and taking pictures of the bamboo all around us and presenting it in story form.
Here, i have learnt how to develop my drawing skills where i actually changed to using marker instead of normal pen or pencil.
I was satisfies with my first drawing assignments and ready for more.
FRIDAY (23rd July)
Existance: Light
Today our assignment allows us to exercise our strength both mentally and physically..
truth be told i don't expect HBP would do this kind of things and it really made me learn alot about bamboo because of my many experience dealing with it.
And so our task is to create a BST (Bamboo Sound Tool) out of bamboo.
Without further a due, me n my friends went to cut bamboo and from then on i've learnt to communicate with HBP students around me. =)
The teamwork and togetherness paid out.

Together with this assignment, was an esquisse that was given by Dr Rusli:
This assignment made me learn that how high the technology of a computer can get and also how creative it can get.
I also realized that if our brain don't get as creative as that then the computer will eventually get over the human race and rule the world.. @@ do something!!!!!!!!!!

The orientation of the school of HBP has made me know more friends and get together with them.
With that i will sure to tell that my group work will not be any problem. =)

In the 3 days of orientation, we produced this with the help of our seniors....
MONDAY (26th July)
Layers: Contour
The lecturer couldn't attend this lecture so 1b explained to us the meaning of contour.
The layers that are overlapping each other are wad we know as contour. where the piece of layer is getting thicker and thicker.
And so this is related with our assignment (mask)
What i learnt about this assignment is that we improve in every mistake that we make.
I have repeated this mask for 4 times.
4 times i've laid there for 3 hours while my friend helped me to do the mask.
And to get something i wanted eagerly, i really feel that the 12 hours was worth it.
I was very satisfied with my end product.
This assignment has really gave me a special meaning. It tells me that in whatever you do, don't give up and strive to achieve what you want.

FRIDAY (30th July)
FRIDAY (2nd August)
Human Dimension
In this talk, i learnt how 2 draw the human dimension or should i say the sausage person. hahax
i seriously have improved my drawing all the while i've been in HBP and completing all the assignments.

And the assignment assigned for us, Casket4Me.
i've applied my many ideas and also the human dimension on what the lecturer had said.
Realize that i've decorated my A3 board compared to my plain and boring one in the beginning.
FRIDAY (6th August)
Vision and Rules
In this talk about the vision and rules, the lecturer stressed on our reason being in USM.
What is our vision before completing our course? Its the same question coming back to What are we doing here?? and also, for every vision and dream in us, we must abide by the rules.
And i feel that it is so and very true that every life that we have here, we are prisoned by rules that will control us but we must have a strong heart and mind that to apply our lives according to the rules to achieve our vision.
What happened to thinking positive when everytime we hear where there are rules, the negative thoughts just pop out of no where.. is this a moving down as a generation or it's just a reflex?
and our assignment assigned: My Black Box

that was the first time i used water colour for my assignment and i missed it and loved it!!!
wow i do believe that HBP's assignment is just bringing me back to my creative drawing days but i use to forget bout most of them. >.<
MONDAY (9th August)
This is what i remembered the lecture that has pretty pictures of Paris. =)
But honestly speaking i couldn't remember a thing other than that..
Our Assignment:
This assignment was seriously out of my mind.
When i started the assignment after a few hours, i just realized that i couldn't complete it in time at all!!!!
My first reaction all the while was PANIC!!
for the 3 days i coulnd't sleep well, couldn't eat well, thinking bout this project. i prayed and prayed and tried my best everytime i do it.
but at last 2 days before the submission i eventually did it.
and this assignment also taught me not to give up although how big and how difficult u think something is. If you were to start on it, then u'll never stop. =)

and the funny plastic below was the box for our merdeka event coming soon
FRIDAY (13th August)
This assignment, we tried something different.
We decided to group with other members in the school and it worked out well. =)

and i specially loved this group.
It's so big that we actually felt like we're in a family.
I didn't contribute much but my presence was much appreciated by them. =) thnkx guys..
this assignment made me trust my friends more and working together with them is just priceless..
i couldn't contribute much because i went back to my hometown for 1 week. =(
MONDAY (23rd August)
From Nothing to Something
This was a lecture that i will somehow remember.
Is the glass half full or half empty?
It's both right but it's just the way you say it weather it is positively or negatively.
Merdeka - A Rethink
And in this lecture, we actually learnt that "Is Merdeka real? Did Malaysia actually achieved Merdeka? or are we just ordered to reach Merdeka?"
I'm just curious that if Malaysia did achieved Merdeka, why isn't it as great as the US..
and i feel that on the 4th of July (the US's independance day) is much more meaningful, seeing the way they celebrated it.
What about unity? What about oneness? Togetherness of all races and ethnics? This is the main thing Malaysia is lack of despite the massive number of various ethnics around.
MONDAY (30th August)
Talking bout freedom.. Are we really free?
we had an assignment that assigned us to release the balloon into the air during the 31st of August and also in the same time release all our burdens so that we will be free..
honestly, how far can that go?
How many of us agree that just for that moment we can just feel free and when we wake up the next day that we're back to our normal lives again?
I believe that we choose our freedom ourselves.
if we think that being here is a burden then why do we made this choice to come here in the first place? if we think that being here will bring is freedom in the future, which i doubt it, then go ahead and think like that. there's no wrong. every1 have their own freedom to do so. they have their own way to determine their freedom and they have their every responsibility on it. putting an effort on something without taking responsibility on it is just pretty bullshit..

the esquisse given for us:
FRIDAY (3rd Sept)
Class was cancelled and assignment was issued online:

I can see that i've changed alot just in this 3 months..
Firstly, my skin is getting darker
2ndly, my drawings improved tremendously
3rdly, i can see that my brain is practically developing to a more mature thinking everytime.
When a project is issued, i will look forward to it. Trying to apply every lesson that was taught by the lecturers. Being stressful is bad.. But it's also good in another way. I tend to realize why we are to catch up with time every assignment that are due 3 or 4 days only. When we go out and work someday, we must be trained to work fast and efficiently in order to catch up with our due as well. So in fact, what 1b is doing to us is right and we must be pushed just to show our true colours. we are just too pampered by things before and now that we're just practically lazy to get our big mind our of our brain..
I'm not lucky i'm here.. i'm just thankful that i'm here..
and i won't give up although how bad my situation is right now.
The world's a stage, We are all the Actors and so You tell the story. =)