Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Future

Speaking bout doomsday arriving on the 21st of December 2012, we are assigned to check out the Jewish cemetery in Jalan Zainal Abidin. We went in a group anyway coz we are scared tat we'll get lost.. =x
here we are! =)
the so called guardian..hahax

i understand that there are more than 150 tombstones present here.. and the guardians here worked by passing down generation by generation..
the different shape of tombstones indicates how rich they are and their different genders.

the Jewish symbol.
These small tombstones are for children

cant resist a group photo before we went back. =)
and with that, our assignment, which is design a monument and what we want to leave behind for the future and what is the use.. and of coz, totally designed of bamboo.. ==!!!

so this is my design:
the reason why i chose to design it like this is because the semi circle shape represents a rainbow which represents a promise that the incident will not happen again. and the messed up long bamboo in the left end shows how messed up the community of the world is and moving on to the right, disaster stroke and what is left is nothing... that's the reason why the right side is left blank..

and this is what's in it:
the bamboo is left hollow for me to insert music scores..
what i want to leave behind for the future, are the collection of all music scores available..
the reason i'm doing this is because after the total wipe of earth, music is actually saved and ppl of the future can still enjoy the beauty of music..
they can see and feel the music of the past and thus make better music for the future..
the reason why i chose to save music is because when everyone is down after the destruction music is the source of motivation to them... they get inspiration and encouragement...
music speaks a thousand words and different ppl have their personal sense of music..
in my monument, all types of music scores are available..

Music speaks to the soul.. With music, we'll never be blind..

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