Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Assignment 8A:Big Dome (Part) Assembly

The Continuation Preparation for


And so sometime the other day we recieved orders to exhibit our sectioned domes around the school.. as i'm in section 3, according to the chart where we can find it in the RUS101 website, it will be right outside of E48B which is where we did our theaterrete performance.
We have to transport our bamboo all the way from Dataran Merah. @@!!!
anyway the bamboos are getting lighter because they're getting dryer and dyer but there are STILL heavy.. ==!!

and there were blood shedding all around.. thank goodness there weren't any vampires around coz it'll be their bloody part.. xD careful guyss~! =)
and we worked ourselves up to exhibit our struts...

after done exhibiting it we went home.. but on the nex day, 1b asked us to transfer it back to the place where we did our Youth Jam rehersal because there's been complaint on the bamboos being all over the place..
It seems that the preparation of the Big Leap is still unacceptable to some other ppl.. But after this assignment i truly understand what 1b meant and is ready to accept whatever Big has in hand for us and i'll try my best to help... =)

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